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The effect of exercise on depression

🧠Many are aware of this, but exercise is a truly powerful anti-depressant.

🤕Not just in general or from a preventative perspective, but also from a clinical perspective in patients that are actually diagnosed with depression.

🧾According to the data of these three meta-analyses, exercise does:

1. Directly improve depressive symptoms.

2. Is better than usual care (including psychological interventions).

3. Can keep up with the effect of anti-depressant drugs.

4. Further improves the effects of anti-depressant drugs.

👇🏼Does exercise help keep you sane and darker thoughts at bay? Let us know.

Artwork by ajgiel


1. Josefsson and colleagues PMID: 23362828

2. Schuch and colleagues PMID: 26978184

3. Kvam and colleagues PMID: 27253219


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