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Best way to get through the Open x the Program

How do you approach the coming weeks to give yourself the best conditions to perform in The Open, and at the same time don’t lose too much important training?

We had a chat with @wodscience to discuss how to best approach the coming weeks.

Typically we would recommend top athletes to repeat workouts in order to secure your place. However, this year “1 and done” should be sufficient if you want a good shot at the Semi Finals as you’ll need to maintain your “normal training” as closely as possible.

For athletes looking to optimise their performance in The Open and make it through to the Quarter Finals, we recommend having 2 attempts. The most important aspect of these attempts is that they are taken with a good rest between, going twice in one day can be very taxing for the body/mind and over 3 weeks has a negative accumulative effect.

So here are the main takeaways:

1. If you can reduce any external stressors during the 3 weeks - do so.

2. Sleep hygiene is crucial.

3. Maintain an optimal diet for the duration of The Open.

Improving fitness during The Open:

During The Open you do not want to lose certain aspects of fitness which will possibly be important during the final week or The Quarter Finals. Therefore we have at least 2 crucial training days mid-week that are extremely important.

Another option to the chart above is a normal training on Saturday, rest Sunday and a second attempt on Monday. This really depends on the workout and whether Sunday/Monday is the least stressful day for YOU.

Last, but by no means least, get after each workout and enjoy suffering with friends🙌🏼🥳


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