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Ketones: Just another fad that is fading away?

🔥 🚴‍♀️ Ketones an endurance performance

👀 Ever since the publication of a seminal study in a high-impact scientific journal in 2016, bold claims have been made about the ergogenic effects of ketones on exercise performance.

🤩 The hype was real. New companies were found, and pro athletes could only win races on ketones.

❌ Now, more studies on the topic have been done, with more subjects and under different exercise conditions. Unfortunately, the latest research summarizing these studies concludes that exogenous ketones, the ones you can ingest, basically do nothing.

💊 The placebo effect is real? Who knows.

⬅️ Swipe left for the story on ketones.

👇👇Have you ever taken ketones? What was your experience?

Full read of the studies:

PMID: 27475046,

PMID: 35042186,


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