🔥 ⚽️ Cool study showing that professional soccer player vastly improved basic endurance when incorporating low intensity running into their pre-season training schedule.
❌ Unfortunate thing here is that no control group was used in this study, so other factors might be at play here.
👀 This is one of the first evidence I see showing that low intensity training can improve endurance capacity in high-intensity intermittent sports.
➡️⬅️ Next to the science, the real question here is. Who is the best player in history. Messi or Christiano 😊 👇👇
🔥New study in advanced athletes targeting a decade old question. Let us about your own experience in the comments!
Full read: PMID: 35771850, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9246211/