🔥Volume or intensity?
❓The never ending question of what is more important to improve endurance performance!
⚠️The answer is: both. At least if we go by mitochondrial function.
👨🏻🔬It's the one thing you took away from highschool biology - the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
🚴You need those long continuous endurance days at moderate intensity to optimize mitochondria content.
🏋️You also need days at very high intensity well beyond 100% of your VO2 max to improve your mitochondrial respiration.
Now obviously there are more factors contributing to endurance performance and even more so to CrossFit performance.
Nevertheless mitochondria content and respiratory capacity are key to endurance performance and eventually, CrossFit performance.
☝️Check the slides above to see the data of a meta analysis which shows how training parameters differently impact mitochondria adaptations.
Granata, Jamnick, Bishop. Sports Med. 2018 Aug;48(8):1809-1828. PMID: 29934848